Private address:

If you have

already scanned, you can now attach the file:

Attached files are deleted immediately after issuing the library card.

Otherwise, please send the documents by in-house mail as soon as possible:
Library card office, Central Library
Or by fax: 0941 943-1939
Or by mail attachment:
We cannot process your application until we have received your complete documents.

The library card will be sent by in-house mail.
Please note our instructions for assigning a password after receiving the library card.
If you have any questions, please contact the library card office:, 0941 943-3944.

Your data will be processed on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 (c) and (e) DSGVO in conjunction with Art. 4 ff. BayDSG and ยงยง 3, 5, and 13 para. 1 ABOB. As a central facility of the University of Regensburg, the University Library of Regensburg is authorized to process personal data insofar as this is necessary for the lawful fulfilment of its tasks. This includes, in particular, provision of media for use in the library and lending as well as the use of databases and other electronic or digital media. Your data will be stored until the user relationship ends, or is deemed to have ended due to prolonged inactivity or until you request deletion of your user account. Please note that only the German version of the corresponding legal basis is legally binding.

More information on data protection (only the German version is legally binding).